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Taking Delivery of My New Motorcycle | Ultra Rare Edition

Taking Delivery of My New Motorcycle | Ultra Rare Edition

hey everyone i'm bill i'm with calimototv welcome back to the channel and welcome to a very special day i'mbringing along with you guys uh my trip down to well san diegoand uh we're picking up a new motorcycle today so uhlet's uh let's get out i gotta get some coffee this morning.

we're heading out tothe airport we're actually flying down to san diegotake a look at this ultra rare motorcycle uh hopefully purchase itand then uh we're gonna be flying home solet's get to the airport and i'll explain everything so all right guys.
Taking Delivery of My New Motorcycle | Ultra Rare Edition
Taking Delivery of My New Motorcycle | Ultra Rare Edition

so we're all checked inand heading down to san diego so um here's the situation uh the bikethat we're going to look at today has been a bike that i've wanted forsome years now and i've really wanted to kind of get thechannel a little bit into kind of uh older exotic bikes umi'm a real big fan of the older bikes like the biamodas andstuff like that.

that you know back in the day when they were newlike this bike was like 30 000 or something like that brand newum the bmo is 50 50 000 but now they're somewhat affordableum and uh i think i want to start bringing somebody to the channel souh let me know in the comments down below if you guys are interested.

insomething like that um but this bike will be um it's it'sas my understanding it's an ultra rare so apparently in 2010they produced 400 of these bikes and apparently i've seen two numbers i'veseen that only 62 made it to the states andthen i saw a number that said actually in 2010 only10 made it into the states so um i uh i basically you knowcame across this and gary down at san diegobmw actually has it and i called him the other day and said heyi got a bike.

That i'm interested in and uh he said it and i was likeof course he knew um so me and gary go back a little bitum gary was with me during the motorcycle.comr9t uh racer boxer cup video that we did at button willow lastyear and um so he's a big r9t guy and a boxer motorguy and so this bike is coming in to replacea bike um and some of you guys someone commented the other day and said are yougetting rid of the r9t and i was like maybe you get what made you get thatidea um the r9t is leaving um and uh we arereplacing it.

with another boxer but i hope i hope the boxer guys i hopethe r90 guys um you guys uh stick around because uhi don't know that there's gonna be much that i'm gonna be able to do with thisbike as far as modification wise but i'mgoing to ride this bike and uh that's the whole point of me buying this thingit's not going to just sit in the garage like most people have this thing's gotin 10 years like 5 000 miles on it so um i am going to be riding this bike butum let's get down to uh let's get on theflight get down to san diego and uh meet up.

with gary and give youguys a first look at this beautiful bike enjoy your fight all right guys well uh unfortunatelywith the times changed um i have to have broken downand i've got to wear my mask so um but we're here we arrived finallyto uh bmw san diego and what anabsolutely gorgeous dealership this guy's got so uh gary orrum i work with him on r9t racer stuff so he uh he's got some stuff butuh look at this place brand new 2020 s1000rryou know this is a spe.

I hadn't seen this is the new sportuh f900r um i really like the color and it's got the rear cowl on itbut uh just gorgeous and a ton of different bikeston of different bikes a couple new s1000rsxrs they have new f900 over here but todaytoday we're here for one reason and one reason only without further ado we are finally taking delivery of the2010 bmw hp2 sport umso like i said uh you know.

I really wanted to bring you guyssome uh some kind of uh older exotics but uh definitelysomething that we're gonna be riding so this is definitely a bike that isn'tgoing to be sitting in the garage so let's get on this thing now 2010 imean that me and gary were talking about itlook at that dash i mean it was just it was just uh it was just so advanceduh complete carbon fiber body everything isall carbon fiber um there's actually no subframe theframe stops right here so it's pretty.
Taking Delivery of My New Motorcycle | Ultra Rare Edition
Taking Delivery of My New Motorcycle | Ultra Rare Edition

wild that there's no frame underhere and the whole front cage is all uh all carbon fiber frontuh a lean suspension i mean this guy's just redid the suspension i mean it'sbeen taken care of just absolutely immaculate so umwhat do you guys say we get geared up and let's take this for a test rideum it's already mine so it's not really a test ride first rideum but we're gonna be back here in a couple weeks to pick this up i actuallyflew down today purchase it he's gonna hang on to it forme for a couple weeks and then we'll be back down here but uh let's get gearedup and outside and on the roadall right guys well there she is the beautiful2010 bmw hp2 um you know me and gary were talking aboutthe bike and you know the it's got full monoblock uh bremboswhich is the the full monoblocks if you guys don'tknow that's a full solid caliper that's not the two separatedones um you know this thing came with just allof the bits already.

on it olean suspension which has just been recentlyre-sprung it's just been serviced the valves havejust been checked i mean it was it was a veryvery hard bike to pass up on um and uh i've like i said i've alwaysreally loved this bike so it was uh it was definitely.

somethingthat i wanted so let's get this thing let's see in themiddle fired up umyeah so you know we've got we got a lot of learning to do on this thing togetheryou guys because um i know i know bits about it um butuh i hope you guys will educate me a little bit more but we've got you knowuh we've got our low beams our high beams and our flashersour menus so we can menu through uh our different modes and we can set ourdifferent modes um so we've got road modeand race mode so we'll just be obviously in road modeabs which is standard um or it's an option on this bike.

So but a littlefunny enough it's got heated hand grips on it soa little bit a little bit funny that this had it back in those days soum so let's get out and uh so let's see we arenormal shift so let's see once we get running ifuh those lights go down i think that's a temperature gaugekind of like uh how they do until now where the temperature as the.

temperaturerises and gets up to uh to um proper temperaturethe the rpm you see the rpm thing down at the bottomso probably get a little bit more heat in this thing let's go ahead and head out for our first ridewait is it is it have a quick shifter um i just like totally just didn'tinstinctively just pulled up on the shifter and it just shiftedso so the guy that uh owned it i did a little back history on this guyum he uh he's owned it for about uh two years

i think not many miles onit but he's always been meticulous and taking care of his bike sothat was a little bit of the backstory of this thing anduh the reason why i was like really uh comfortable with getting this bikebecause there was some backstory to it yeah soyou can see the the um that's your temperature warm-up gauge ascrackles and pops on the stock exhaust i'm loving it you guys.

i'm loving it solet's get out here so we're in sunny san diego we finally got some sunum it was uh foggy as you guys saw when we were landingso um we're gonna be heading downtown and just do a little loop i actuallyhave to fly back home today the bike is actually staying down hereuntil um a couple weeks i'm going to beheading back down here me and barnard are going to come downi'm going to come uh work a little bit andum pick this up and we are going to be doing aride so if you guys are interested and you guys are in the san diego.

And laarea the feel of the the boxer i love it andit vibrates like crazy just it's such a different vibration thanlike a ducati vibration um i love itoh my god it's so um it's so kind of raw you know it's it'sit's such a different i don't know i don't know how to explain it you knowit's a race bike from 2010 that was produced you knowso uh instrument cluster very cool and uh gear indicator six gear sonice and cruising along oh.

I love it you guys i love itso uh like i said in the video you know i kind ofi've always there's always times that like i go through and i'll go throughthese phases where i'm like that's a bike i always wanted and uhsometimes it's a crap shoot um i've always wanted twins andbecause i love the way they sound so i've always wanted like rc 51sand uh rc-8 which i've owned both of them and i pretty much sold almostimmediately both of them so it's uh so it'suh yeah.

So i go through these times and i'm just like i seesomething and i'm like god i always love that thing and if i can findif i can find it um i think i would love to be able to bring some of these olderkind of rare exotics to you guys so um so backstory onuh why i started looking for this um as you guys know i have the r9t racerwhich i do have to say this unfortunately is replacing the r9t racerand this will be the new boxer in the garagebut.

I have the new boss exhaust on there andboss they had they had posted up on instagram the other day apicture of one of these and i was like oh you guys are bad youguys are bad influencers so i uh immediatelyjust went up and and looked it up and i was like you know how much do thesethings go for and uh and then i found the one downhere in san diego and they just dropped the price on itto um what i felt was a relatively good price for what the bike isand you know some people would think you know paying 16 000for a motorcycle that's 10 years old is a bit crazyum.

i know you guys will comment down below and tell me that buton the flip side it's an hv2 sport i mean jesus this thing is you knowalmost a thirty thousand dollar motorcycle brand newso um and and being the history of these and theboxers and uh you know this motor is basically you know the highest outputhorsepower boxer motor ever created ever ever made to the point where garyactually has a hp2 boxer motor in his r9t racer he actually bought acrepe motor and uh and put it in there soum up i think.

i wanted to go west oh no downtown i saw beaches andpanicked so yeah so um you know this this thisbike is yeah it's got some you know i mean it'snot like you know we're not we're not streetfighter v4s in it right you know this isthis is definitely uh uh definitely not uh v4s territoryor s1000 territory but the bike as it is i mean it's justthis i don't know i i'm i'm babbling uh because.

i'm i just can'tbelieve that i just bought uh the hp2 sport um i've always wantedone and uh here we are so now i've gottawait i actually contemplated um i actuallycontemplated uh riding at home today and but uh theride home is 600 and something miles and uh i guys i was like you know whati'll just i'll just i'll bite the bullet i'll bite thetongue.

i leave it here and we'll come back down and ride withsome of you guys so hopefully you guys comment down below and and make sure youhit that subscribe button and follow us down below becauseum we are going to be putting some stuff out um.

I want to get together with somepeople and do some riding down here um i'm not sure i'm not sure if it'sgoing to be 4th of july weekend i believe it's goingto be the weekend after the 4th of july so what's that going to be the10th 10th of july um so if you guys are down in the san diego orla area let me know because me and bogdan will be back down hereand uh we would love to meet up with you guys andget a little ride so comment down below uh hitting up underthe uh zoo bridge so this is the san diego zoobridge i don't know if that's a technical namefor it but but uh i thought we'd go downtown and uhget a final view on this thing but uh so far the ride isit's definitely a different feel um it feels very much sosome of you guys know um and and.

I meant to tell youi meant to tell you guys this in the earlier in the storyum in my facebook feed uh this morning uheight years ago today i purchased my brand new 2012k 1300 s hp edition and um and uh of course you guys thatknow me uh know that uh the uhthat was nicknamed christine because uh it was a lemon law buyback after sixmonths.

So i won't get into that story umthis thing's got some verbals already on iti love it absolutely love it oh my god um god i don't even know what i don'teven know what to say you guys i'm just so i'm so ecstatic right nowi'm so happy and uh i'm kind of bummed about the r9tbut you know why do i need to do two boxers and this is uh thisis quite a bit more comfortable than the r9t racerbut.

i was talking to gary and gary was sayingthat the healy bar risers he's like you should reallyput that on before you sell that thing it'll make it a lot more comfortableso i don't know i don't maybe i won't sell or not i don't know idon't know i know you guys i know you guys r9t guys are gonna be like don'tsell it don't sell it but um i i just i just first i don'twrite it that much anyways second um if i've gotthis thing i'm not gonna be riding that thingso i'm a big uh i'm a big firm believer ofif it's um if it's something that i'm notgonna ride i'm not we we don't keep them around soum yeah.

so i feel like that lady was on the wrong side of the road oh it's a one-way street um i love it it's just so just so radjust so rad heated hand grips i don't even know i think i'm gonna hiti think i'm gonna turn race mode on the way home and it's it's pretty actually prettysmooth here in the city like you you think uh yeah it's really smooth actually so the guy has just re-sprung this thingso um so of course dave moss will be uh uhputting his hand on this bike soon uh we'll get these olene's uh suspensionall dialed up and uh get this thing just absolutelyperfect and beautiful but let's get downtown.

And take a finallook at this thing oh that's funny so um i just noticed iactually threw it in race mode and that's where the umthat's where the uh lights on the tachometerlight up so that's pretty cool so i think this is petco fieldover here yep petco park so let's take a right here head over up the blinkers on this is a little littleuh wacky because.

it's got um it's got a right and left blinker andthen in the middle you click it to turn it off it's uh it'sa little wacky it's a little whack ah i'm enjoying it i'm enjoying it idefinitely uh definitely happy with the uh thepurchase with the decision i hope you guys aregonna enjoy it hope you guys will enjoy the contenti love the verbs on it already.

I was talking to gary so they make anacropolis system for this thing and uh he said if you can find him it'slike two thousand dollars for the system so he's like but that'sif that's if you can find him let's head down this away ohlike everything's closed still still just pretty wild just pretty wildbeing down being down through here soi know where we are now it's like the little mainlittle main drag i think i've stayed in the hotel down there so it used to i used to travel down tosan diego quite a bit.

when uh when i worked for umwell i don't even know why i said work for becausescrew those people um yeah so anyways you guys listen let's stop righthere let's take a final look at this thingand let you guys get back to your day and i'm gonna get back toriding this beautiful bike um but let's take one final look at thisthing and uh geez single single sided swingarm um change up the leds maybe in the frontbut look at this thing i love it.

I absolutely love it i justi can't believe it there you guys go 2010bmw hp2 sport and uh we'll have this backuh with us in just a few weeks so stay tuned make sure you hit thatsubscribe button smash that like button leave me a comment down belowwhat questions do you have what answers do you have for me knowledge me schoolme on this thing tell me what you guys knowabout the hp2 sport um i know word is that there's supposedlyeither 10 or 62 of these in the united statesi know.

i talked to gary gary can account for two being totaledso i know that there's not only 60 but let me know what you guys know aboutthis thing but comment subscribe like watch all the videosstreet fighter video by the way is going to be out with the unveil of the newpaint job it isn't for paint yesterday so um i hope youguys are excited i hope you guys are as excited as me but umthank you guys for sticking around and we'll see you next video bye guys 


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